Friday, July 19, 2019

Effects of Global Warming

Global warming has been a serious threat to a human kind recently. The number of threat caused by global warming has been in increasing number. So many news and campaign has been taken into account for the positive awareness. In the one hand we are progressing in the field of science and on the other hand we are struggling to manage our ecosystem and ozone layer.

We all knew, our environment has acted very differently than past. In some of the countries the temperature level has increased rapidly to the hottest while somewhere dramatically decreased. The imbalance in nature has been caused by the human consumption of various items that emit green house gases. The mostly used chloroflurocarbon (CFCs) has been outnumbered other green house emitting gases like Carbon monoxide. If we don't act now, there will be a worsen situation in near future.

<h1>  Risk from Global warming
It has been our fault to risk our own lives and mother planet to suffer. The gas trapped at the atmosphere has been increased too badly and its a serious threat of ozone layer depletion causing serious radiation to enter the earth. The earth is getting much warmer than it was before, we have created so much of carbon pollution in daily basis. The activities like high flood, increasing temperature, imbalance in certain time activities are results of global warming.  The effects of global warming should be consider as a high threat and should implement a good laws to maintain it.

As a daily activities, the fossil fuel used for the electricity purpose emits great amount of CO2 which remains in the earths atmoshphere, leading to much warmer climate. The climate change has been observed because of the excess carbon dioxide emission. The rise in sea level, melting glaciers, increased flooding, disruption of habitats are some of <a href=“”>effects of global warming</a> .

<h2>  When it was observed
The effects of global warming has been minimized lesser because of the new technology which use less fossil fuel and generate clean energy and safer energy. The new laws should be taken more seriously to encounter the future risks from global warming. First time  the effects of global warming was measured at Antartica where the glacier and ice melting phenomenon was observed rapidly which throughly increased the sea level. Then after year by year its effect burnt out like a wildfire pushing normal people and high profile to think about.

<h3> Alternatives for reduction of Global warming
Scientist are working day by day to ensure we live in a good climate and inventing new technology for the betterment of mother earth and the creature which lives here. The effects of global warming should be a top priority for all people and act accordingly to solve it out, we can use less fossil fuel, we can minimize the energy use which helps in controlling the green house gases.

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